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Some samples of my work. 

Interpretation  Piece

Mini Film- Interpretation Piece


Feeling alone and wanting to be loved and welcomed into someone special's life is illustrated with images to Yurima’s "River Flows Into You."

Feature Film- Science Fiction


Morgan knows his mind is different from the rest of the world. He also knows something is missing from his life, something he can't remember, the only thing he can't remember. 


He is able to remember every single detail from the day he was found roaming the streets at five years old. On his journey to find out what he has forgotten, he finds there are more secrets to his life than he could ever imagine. 

Short Story- Self-Help


Ana is a young woman trying to cope with her struggles with depression and how to seek help, even though this is what she fears most. 

Book 1 of Series- Fantasy/ YA


Addison and Brooklyn have no idea what

they are in for when their best friend, Ezra's 'cousin' (Eli) comes to town. They not only find out they are vampires, but they are in for a world of surprise and adventure in the vampire realm.

Short Story- Fiction


When Veronica’s friends car breaks down on the side of the highway, she comes to help her friend but finds it is useless. She beleives the car can't be save, but her friend thinks otherwise. 

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